September 12, 2019
Time |
Session |
Presenters |
Presentation |
7:30 am |
Registration |
8:30 am – 12:00 pm |
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm |
Lunch |
1:30 pm – 5:00 pm |
Jeremy |
Creating |
Alexia |
Developing |
Beth |
Communicating |
Robyn |
Accelerating |
Byron J. |
Introduction |
Day 1:
September 13, 2019
Time |
Session |
Presenters |
Presentation |
7:00 am – 6:00pm |
Registration |
7:00 am – 8:00 am |
Continental |
8:00 am – 8:45 am |
Welcome & Opening Remarks |
8:45 am – 10:00 am |
Plenary 1 |
10:00 am – 10:30 am |
Break |
10:30 am – 11:45 am |
Breakout Sessions A |
Breakout A1:The Intersection of Policy
Discussant: Chair: |
Jonathan Purtle |
Public Opinion as an Outer-Contextual Factor in Health Policy D&I
Max Crowley |
Federal Mental Health Legislation: What Becomes Law and Why? Results
Measurement infrastructure for influencing the outer context:
Eric |
Giving the Outer Setting Its Due: Adapting the Stages of
Breakout A2: Collaboration Driving
Discussant: Leopoldo Chair: Sheila Patel
Donna Shelley, Michael Parchman, & |
Cross-Collaborations Among |
Jessica Chen, Lisa Glynn, Timothy |
A Collaboration Between Practitioners, |
Funlola Are, Rochelle Hanson, Samuel |
Untangling Trauma-Related Knowledge and |
Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo & Regan |
Real-Time Implementation of a |
Breakout A3: Fueling Implementation
Discussant: Ian Bennett Chair: Heather Bullock |
Shawna Smith, Daniel Almirall, |
Change in Patient Outcomes after |
Amy Rusch, Shawna Smith, Lindsay |
A Community-based Implementation |
Mark Bauer, Kendra Weaver, Bo Kim, |
The Collaborative Chronic Care Model |
Christopher Miller, Bo Kim, Robert |
A Randomized Stepped Wedge Hybrid-II Trial |
Breakout A4: Mechanisms
This is an open working meeting for
Rinad Beidas, Nate Williams, Byron |
What are the Challenges of Using |
11:45 am |
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm |
Breakout Sessions B |
Breakout B1: Moving Beyond “To Adapt
Discussant: Chair: |
M. Alexis Kirk; Julia E. Moore; Byron J. Powell |
Developing the Adaptation-Impact Framework and Translating it for Use
Brittany Cooper; Garrett Jenkins; AnaMaria Diaz Martinez |
Striking the Right Balance: Tracking Adaptations to Community-based
Sarah Cusworth Walker; Michael Graham-Squire |
Rapid Adaptation: Making Adaptations Work for Real World Systems,
Breakout B2: Building Roads: Exploring
Discussant: Cameo Chair: Meagan Pilar
Lisa Rogers, Aoife DeBrún, & |
Making Sense of Context: A Systematic Review |
Brittany Rudd, Jacquelyn George, |
Implementing Mental Health Assessment in |
Sean Wright & Sonia Combs |
DIY Implementation: Lessons From a |
Lisa Sanetti, Alexandra Pierce, |
Implementation of an Educator |
Breakout B3: Creating Bridges: The
Discussant: Bob Franks Chair: Sapana Patel
Robin Jenkins, William Aldridge, & |
Assessing Intermediary Organization |
David Riggs, Katherine Dondanville, |
A Tailored Implementation Approach to Improving |
Sapana Patel & Lisa Dixon |
Rubber Meets the Road: How One |
Shannon Chaplo, George Ake, Lisa |
Utilization of Train-the-Trainer |
Breakout B4: Mechanisms
This is an open working meeting for |
Aaron Lyon, Greg Aarons, Cara Lewis, |
What are the Design, Analysis, |
2:15 pm |
Break |
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm |
Breakout Sessions C |
Breakout C1: The Intersection Of
Discussant: Chair:
Briana S. Last; Courtney Benjamin Wolk; Rinad S. Beidas |
Nudge yourself: stakeholder design of implementation strategies that
Andrew Quanbeck |
Using stakeholder values to promote implementation of an
Rinad S. Beidas; Nathaniel Williams; Rebecca Stewart |
Applying insights from participatory design to design implementation
David S. Mandell; Heather Nuske; Emily Becker-Haimes; |
Leveraging Normative Pressure to Increase Data Collection among
Breakout C2: Designated Implementation
Discussant: Sara Landes Chair: Gracelyn Cruden
Bryan Hartzler, Denise Walker, Aaron |
Applications of Standardized Patient |
Dennis Watson, Alan McGuire, Rebecca |
A Hybrid Type 1 Design to Facilitate |
Eric Hermes & Ilse Wiechers |
Evaluating Associations Between |
Chariz Seijo, Kendal Reeder, Kristine |
Setting the Foundation for Successful |
Breakout C3: Applications of
Discussant: Beth Chair: Sheena McHug
Fiona Riordan, Emmy Racine, Susan |
Involving Patients, Practitioners and |
Rachel Gold, Arwen Bunce, Stuart |
Results from a Randomized Trial |
Bryan Garner, Stephen Tueller, Steve |
Main Findings from the Substance Abuse |
Valerie Paz-Soldan, Magdalena Jurczuk, |
The Integrative Systems Practice for |
Breakout C4: Driving the School Bus:
Discussant: Lisa Sanetti Chair: Elizabeth Connors |
Tatiana Bustos |
A Secondary Analysis of Longitudinal |
Andrew Thayer, James Merle, Madeline |
Teacher Perspectives on the |
Enya Vroom, Amanda Weston, & |
Understanding Successful |
Aaron Lyon |
User-Centered Design and Evaluation of |
3:45 pm – 4:00 pm |
Break |
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm |
Alicia Bunger, Christy Kranich, Susan Yoon, & Lisa Juckett |
Implementing Service Cascade Models |
Zuleyha Cidav, Jeff Pyne, Geoffrey Curran, Jennifer Mautone, |
Costing Implementation Strategies: A |
Enola Proctor, Rachel Tabak, Cole Hooley, Virginia McKay, & |
Shared Goal, Different Languages: |
Melissa Bernstein, Brent Crandal, Gregory Aarons, & Kimberly |
Making it Happen: Implementation |
Byron Powell, Meredith Boyd, Hannah Kassab, & Cara Lewis |
A Multiple Case Study of a Tailored |
Maria Fernandez, Cam |
Systematic Adaptation of |
Sara Landes, JoAnn Kirchner, Mark Bauer, Christopher Miller, |
Developing a Strategic Implementation |
5:15 pm – 5:30 pm |
Break |
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm |
Reception |
Day 2:
September 14, 2019
Time |
Session |
Presenters |
Presentation |
7:00 am – 6:00pm |
Registration |
7:00 am – 8:00 am |
Continental |
8:00 am – 8:45 am |
Update on SIRC Initiatives |
8:45 am – 10:00 am |
Plenary 2 |
10:00 am – 10:30 am |
Break |
10:30 am – 11:45 am |
Breakout Sessions D |
Breakout D1: Bridging the Implementation
Discussant: Chair: |
Byron Powell |
Bridging the implementation research to practice gap: Exploring collaboration
Jenna McWilliam |
Bridging the implementation research to practice gap: Exploring
Arthur Evans |
Bridging the implementation research to practice gap: Exploring
Breakout D2: The Intersection of
Discussant: Erin Finley Chair: Madeline Larson |
Norm Good & Philippa Niven |
Healthlinks, Evaluation Challenges and |
Kimberly Pratt, Briana Todd, Angela |
The Department of Defense |
Steve Martino, Amanda Midboe, Alicia |
Measuring the Fidelity of |
Barbara Bokhour, Justeen Hyde, & |
Applying Implementation Science |
Breakout D3: Makes, Models, and
Discussant: Sue Kerns Chair: Rebecca |
Eliana Hurwich-Reiss, Colby |
Hybrid Implementation Trials as a |
Hopin Lee, Nicole Nathan, Kirsty Hope, |
Optimizing Public Health Interventions |
Daniel Almirall, Andrew Quanbeck, |
Experimental Designs for Building |
Allison Metz, Ana Baumann, Leopoldo |
The Role of Implementation Science in |
Breakout D4: From the Dealership to
Discussant: Jo Moullin Chair: Dani Adams |
Lorella Palazzo, Peter Mendel, Kelli |
How Policy Mandates for Evidence-Based |
Heather L Bullock, John N. Lavis, |
Understanding the Implementation of |
Brittany Cooper, Adam Darnell, Angie |
Evidence-Based Policymaking to Prevent |
Bridget Matarazzo, Nazanin Bahraini, |
Integrating Research, Policy, and |
11:45 am – 1:00 pm |
Lunch (boxed lunches |
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm |
Breakout Sessions E |
Breakout E1: Economic and Cost
Discussant: Chair: |
Amy M. Kilbourne; Andria Eisman; Daniel Eisenberg |
Economic Evaluation of Implementation Strategies: Making the
Ramzi Salloum; Elizabeth Shenkman; Stephanie Staras; Jordan Louviere;
Use of Discrete Choice Experiments to Inform Stakeholder
Lindsey Zimmerman; David Lounsbury;
Modeling to Learn: Conserving Staff Time when Comparing
Alex R Dopp; Peter Mundey; Lana O. Beasley; Jane F. Silovsky; Daniel
Mixed-Method Approaches to Strengthen Economic and Cost Research Methods
Breakout E2: Leadership and
Discussant: Chair: |
Mark G. Ehrhart; Marisa Sklar; Kristine Carandang; Melissa R. Hatch;
Development, Adaptation, and Preliminary Evaluation of the
Lauren Brookman-Frazee; Aubyn Stahmer; Allison Jobin; Kristine
Testing a Multi-Level Implementation Strategy for two Evidence-Based
Karina M. Egeland; Ane-Marthe Solheim Skar; |
Translation and Adaptation of LOCI for Implementation of
Breakout E3: Fueling Up: Developing
Discussant: Bryan Weiner Chair: Stephanie Yu |
Aaron Tierney, Marie Haverfield, Mark |
Advancing Evidence Synthesis from |
Taren Swindle, Julie Rutledge, & |
What Fidelity Data Don’t Say: Types of |
Zarnie Khadjesari, Sabah Boufkhed, |
Implementation Outcome Instruments |
Helena Fridberg, Malin Tistad, |
Development of an Instrument for |
Breakout E4: Highways and Byways:
Discussant: Chair: Callie |
Robert Franks |
Organizational Readiness (R=MC2) for |
Vanessa Rose |
How Can Implementation Quality be |
Bradley Wagennar, Wilson Hammett, |
Implementation Science For Depression |
Tim Rappon, Erica Bridge, Alyssa |
Predicting Quality Improvement |
2:15 pm – 2:30 pm |
Break |
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm |
Poster Session (Presenters to set up |
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm |
Breakout Sessions F |
Breakout F1: Psychometric and
Discussant: Laura Chair: Byron Powell |
Cameo F. Stanick; Heather M. Halko;
Pragmatic Measures for Implementation Research: Development of the
Bryan J. Weiner; Caitlin N. Dorsey; Kayne D. Mettert; Bryan J. Weiner |
Psychometric and Pragmatic Evaluation of Measures of Readiness for
Byron J. Powell; Kayne D. Mettert; Caitlin N. Dorsey; Mark G. Ehrhart;
Measuring Organizational Culture and Climate: A Systematic Review |
Sheena McHugh; Eric J. Bruns; Jonathan Purtle; Caitlin N. Dorsey;
A Systematic Review of Outer Setting Measures in Behavioral Health |
Breakout F2: Where the Rubber Meets
Discussant: Shannon Chair: Ana Baumann |
Hannah Frank, Briana Last, Reem |
Applying the Theory of Planned |
Stephanie Yu, Lauren Brookman-Frazee, |
The Relationship between |
Emily Becker-Haimes, Jessica Fishman, |
One Size Does Not Fit All: Clinician |
Heidi La Bash, Norman Shields, Tasoula |
A Comparison of Consultant Effects, |
Breakout F3: From Coaching to Machine
Discussant: Lisa Saldana Chair: Amber Haley |
Kristen Miner, Emily Bilek, Jennifer |
Building Implementation Capacity |
Spencer Choy, Jaime Pua Chang, & |
The Parent Engagement in |
Lydia Moussa, Kaska Musial |
What Works Best In Practice? A |
David Lounsbury, Debra Kibbe, James |
From Blank Page To Local Optimization: |
Breakout F4: Going the Distance:
Discussant: Alison Chair: Oscar Fleming |
Erica Lau, Joanie Sims-Gould, Samantha |
Implementation Strategies of a |
Suzanne Kerns & Mollie Bradlee |
Innovative Funding to Achieve Reach: |
Claire Snell-Rood, Cathleen Willging, |
Implementation of Systems-Level |
Thomas Engell, Benedicte Kirkøen, |
Using Common Elements and Co-Creation |
3:45 pm – 4:00 pm |
Break |
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm |
Plenary 3 |
Bryan Weiner, Robyn Mildon, Jeremy |
Perspectives on the Intersection of |
5:15 pm – 5:45 pm |
Awards |