Extrinsic incentives such as goal-sharing awards, performance reviews,promotions, and raises in salary, as well as less tangible incentives such as increased stature or respect. | |
IC: Organizational Incentives and Rewards Measures |
To see the head-to-head comparisons of the evidence-based assessment rating profiles for the instruments listed below, please click here. |
Adoption of Information Technology Innovation- Image Subscale Moore & Benbasat (1991) |
The Image Subscale of the Adaption of Information Technology scale is a 5-item tool used to measure the degree to which the use of the Personal Work Stations (PWS) enhances one’s image or status within the organization. | |
Thompson, Bailey, Joseph, Worley, & Williams (1999) |
The Awards Fairness Scale is a 6-item instrument that assesses the perceived fairness of awards distributed within an organization. | |
Awards System Fairness Scale Thompson, Bailey, Joseph, Worley, & Williams (1999) | |
The Awards System Fairness Scale is a 4-item scale that assesses the perceived degree of fairness in the procedures used to determine and distribute rewards within an organization. | |
Provider Survey of Incentives (PSI) Kirby, Benishek, Dugosh, Kerwin (2006) | |
The PSI is a 44-item survey that was developed to assess substance abuse treatment providers’ attitudes toward CM incentives programs. |
Disclaimer: Some instrument descriptions were taken directly from articles contained in specific instrument pages.