The Arizona State University (ASU) Program for Prevention Research has openings in their NIMH-funded post-doctoral training program in prevention science. There are opportunities to join teams with ongoing, funded implementation trials and new projects to embed family interventions in various settings (family court and juvenile justice, pediatric primary care). The PIs on these projects are Sharlene Wolchik and Tom Dishion, respectively.
Training is delivered through individually-tailored programs of coursework and mentored research experience. Trainees select multiple mentors from a large and interdisciplinary faculty whose work includes interventions with children of divorce, bereaved children, and inner city ethnic minority children and families. Emphases include preventive interventions in natural service delivery settings and quantitative methods in prevention science. Training is for a two-year period.
Interested candidates should send (electronically) a vita, statement of research and training goals, and 3 letters of recommendation to: We will review all applications beginning immediately and will continue reviewing until the positions are filled.