CFIR >> Adoption |
Adoption is defined as the intention, initial decision, or action to try or employ an innovation or evidence-based practice. Adoption also may be referred to as “uptake.” (Proctor et. al., 2011) |
To see the head-to-head comparisons of the evidence-based assessment rating profiles for the instruments listed below, please click on the image below.![]() |
The measures repository is currently under construction. Please check back mid-September 2019 for the results from our team’s revised Implementation Outcomes review. |
Adoption of Smoking Cessation Expert System [cite] [description] |
Adoption of the Principles of Effectiveness Survey [cite] [description] |
ASE Determinants Questionnaire [cite] [description] |
Barwick Measure of Adoption of Research [cite] [description] |
BBI Intent Measure [cite] [description] |
Buckley Stages of Change Tool [cite] [description] |
Cook Measure of Adoption [cite] [description] |
David Cpp Adoption Measure [cite] [description] |
Evidence-based Practice Attitudes Scale [cite] [description] |
Himelhoch Measure of Tobacco Cessation Intervention Utilization [cite] [description] |
Kelly Intention to Adopt Ebp Measure [cite] [description] |
Knowledge Exchange Outcomes Tool [cite] [description] |
Knowledge Utilization Questionnaire [cite] [description] |
Moore & Benbasat Adoption of Information Technology Innovation Measure [cite] [description] |
Prevention Program Assessment [cite] [description] |
Ruzek Measure [cite] [description] |
Sftrc Course Evaluation [cite] [description] |
Tcu Workshop Evaluation Form [cite] [description] |
The Loci Feasibility, Acceptability, Utility Scale [cite] [description] |
Walitzer Measure of Adoption Stages [cite] [description] |
Williams Intention to Adopt Measure [cite] [description] |
Workshop Assessment Follow-Up Form [cite] [description] |
Adoption InstrumentsSIRCTeam2019-08-28T23:58:54-05:00