Upcoming Webinars

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Past Webinars

Writing Successful Implementation Practice and Policy Abstract Submissions for the SIRC 2024 Conference
March 26, 2024
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The SIRC Practitioner Network hosted a webinar on how to write a strong implementation practice or policy-based abstract submission for the 2024 SIRC conference. The conference themeis Strategic Synergy: Implementation Research, Practice, and Policy for Impact. This webinar aimed to illuminate what makes a compelling presentation for SIRC’s diverse audience, which includes implementation practitioners, researchers, and trainees. Panelists included SIRC conference planners and practitioners who have successfully submitted abstracts for past conferences. 


Panel Discussion: Advancing the Conversation About the Implementation Research-Practice Gap
November 16, 2023
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As part of the SIRC Practitioner Network of Expertise (PNoE)’s Contending with the Implementation Research-Practice Gap series, this panel discussion moderated by Dr. Kate Storey, brought together leaders from both implementation research and implementation practice to discuss the current state and future directions for implementation science collaborations to close the implementation research-practice gap. Panelists included Dr. Rinad Beidas and Dr. Byron Powell, authors of the 2022 article, Promises and pitfalls in implementation science from the perspective of US-based researchers: learning from a pre-mortem. Panelists also included Dr. Julia Moore and Dr. Sobia Khan, authors of the response paper, Promises and pitfalls of bridging the implementation science to practice gap from the perspective of implementation support practitioners. Dr. Rohit Ramaswamy joined the panel to provide broader perspective from a practitioner-scientist. Panelists expanded on themes identified in these articles and related topics. Event report available here.


Identifying Perspectives on the Implementation Research-Practice Gap
September 22, 2022

The first event in the SIRC Practitioner Network of Expertise’s Contending with the Implementation Research-Practice Gap series was held on September 22nd 2023.  This series of interactive events explores how to contend with the implementation research-practice gap and improve collaboration between implementation researchers and practitioners. The first session aimed to collect perspectives from implementation practitioners, researchers, and trainees about (1) the implementation research-practice gap and (2) how to improve collaboration between implementation researchers and practitioners. Find a report of the event here. We invite any feedback and additional thoughts from the implementation community to help inform future events, including those at the SIRC 2024 conference. You can find a link to the feedback forum in the report.


National Implementation Infrastructure Examples & Lessons Learned from SAMHSA’s Technology Transfer Center Network
May 4, 2022
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As part of the SIRC Practitioner Network of Expertise (PNoE)’s Implementation Infrastructure Initiative (I3), this webinar hosted by Caryn Blitz, will focus on examples of national implementation infrastructure provided through the Technology Transfer Center Network funded by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which is made-up of national and regional centers from Heather Gotham, PhD from the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC), and Laurie Krom, MS, Holly Hagle, PhD and Marjean Nielsen, MPP from the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) and Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) networks.


Rapid Learning with Rigorous Methods: The Role of Human-Centered Design (HCD) in Implementation Research
March 30, 2022
Link coming soon!

This webinar was a panel discussion on utilizing HCD (also referred to as user-centered design) in implementation research. Topics included (i) rapid and practical applications of HCD, (ii) feasibility and costs of incorporating HCD, and (iii) regulatory considerations in using HCD. This webinar was hosted by Bo Kim, PhD (Chair of New Investigator Network of Expertise, SIRC) and included Kelli Scott, PhD (Brown University School of Public Health), Andrea Graham, PhD (Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine), and Aaron Lyon, PhD (University of Washington) as panelists.


Guidance on System-Wide Implementation Infrastructure Initiative: State-Level Implementation Infrastructure Examples & Lessons Learned
January 5, 2022
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As part of the SIRC Practitioner Network of Expertise (PNoE)’s Implementation Infrastructure Initiative (I3), this webinar hosted by Kate Comtois, with presentations provided by Nikki Wang, MA from the Evidence Based Treatment Dissemination Center,  IDEAS Center, New York University Langone Health, Andrew Cleek, PhD from New York University and Brian Bumbarger, PhD from Science, Systems & Communities Consulting, LLC, highlights examples of state-level infrastructure for implementing and scaling multiple prevention and treatment strategies.


Guidance on System-Wide Implementation Infrastructure Initiative: Current Context and the Way Forward
October 21, 2021
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As part of the SIRC Practitioner Network of Expertise (PNoE)’s Implementation Infrastructure Initiative (I3), this webinar hosted by Caryn Blitz, with presentations provided by Brittany Rhodes-Cooper, PhD and Will A. Aldridge, PhD , highlights recent efforts by The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and The Society for Prevention Research to identify the necessary infrastructure and related issues for implementing and scaling multiple prevention and treatment strategies at state and national levels.


Student Office Hour: Applying to Graduate School
October 12, 2021
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This office hour was hosted by Kendal Reeder, Callie Walsh-Bailey, and Zachary Meehan. Panelists provided insights on paths to PhD programs, identifying mentors/programs, application materials, and the interview process. The office hour was a part of the student office hour series hosted by the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Dissemination and Implementation Science Special Interest Group (ABCT DIS SIG).


Student Office Hour: Hidden Curriculum in D&I Science
March 30, 2021
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This office hour was hosted by Stephanie Yu, Noah Triplett, J.C. Gonzalez, Sheina Godovich, and Margaret Crane. Panelists provided insights on the hidden curriculum in dissemination and implementation (D&I) science. Topics included navigating D&I conferences, professional groups, potential grants, and journals. The office hour was a part of the student office hour series hosted by the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Dissemination and Implementation Science Special Interest Group (ABCT DIS SIG).


SIRC Office Hour – Meet the Editors of Implementation Research and Practice
October 22, 2020
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Implementation Research and Practice (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/IRP) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online-only journal providing rapid publication of interdisciplinary research that advances the implementation in diverse contexts of effective approaches to assess, prevent, and treat mental health, substance use, or other addictive behaviors, in the general population or among those at-risk or suffering from these disorders. This journal is published on behalf of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC).

This webinar gave attendees the opportunity to learn more about Implementation Research and Practice. Dr. Sapana Patel (Chair of SIRC’s Practitioner Network of Expertise) moderated the webinar and was joined by the Co-Editors-in-Chief of Implementation Research and Practice, Dr. Cara Lewis and Dr. Sonja Schoenwald. Drs. Lewis and Schoenwald provided an overview of the journal, elaborated on its scope, and shared tips to improve the chance of acceptance.


SIRC Office Hour – Rapid Implementation Research into the COVID-19 Emergency with Dr. John Øvretveit
September 22, 2020
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Dr. John Øvretveit discussed work described in his recent article published in the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration’s new journal, Implementation Research and Practice (IRP). The webinar was moderated by Dr. Sonja Schoenwald, Co-Editor-in-Chief of IRP. Dr. Øvretveit described a rapid implementation research project with the Stockholm health care system to assist the system to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. It uses this example to illustrate some ways in which implementation research and knowledge can contribute to improving service responses to the pandemic and its consequences as these evolve over the coming months. A sub-specialty of rapid implementation science was proposed to provide practical assistance and as one way to develop implementation research. The full text of his article can be found here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2633489520949151


SIRC Office Hours with Dr. Erum Nadeem
Thursday, June 13th, 2019
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Learning collaboratives (LCs) are used widely to promote implementation of evidence-based practices. However, there has been limited research on the effectiveness of LCs and models vary widely in their structure, focus and components. Dr. Nadeem will discuss a pilot study on a theory-based LC model, which aimed to develop and field test the model to augment a state-led, evidence-based training program for clinicians providing mental health services to children. LC sites were contrasted with matched comparison sites that participated in the clinical training program alone. Results will be discussed. There will then be plenty of time for SIRC members to ask practical questions about how to apply LCs in their own current and future work.

In advance of the office hours, please review this literature review on LCs in mental health care –https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.ps.201300229 – and be prepared to ask questions! In the registration survey, you’ll have the opportunity to list questions you have, and there will also be time for additional questions during the office hour.


SIRC Office Hours with Dr. Larry Palinkas
Thursday, April 4th, 2019
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Larry Palinkas held our first SIRC Office Hours on April 4 at 2 EST/11PST. Pragmatic clinical trials of mental health services are increasingly being developed to establish comparative effectiveness, influence sustainable implementation, and address real world policy decisions. However, use of time and resource intensive qualitative methods in pragmatic trials may be inconsistent with the aims of efficiency and cost minimization. Dr. Palinkas discussed a qualitative method known as Rapid Assessment Procedure-Informed Clinical Ethnography (RAPICE) that combines the techniques of Rapid Assessment Procedures with clinical ethnography.


“Setting the Stages for Understanding Mechanisms of Implementation”
Friday, March 22nd, 2019

Dr. David Chambers, Deputy Director for Implementation Science in the Office of the Director in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), began this webinar with a historical overview of the field of implementation science, setting the stage for why we are now poised to explore implementation mechanisms. Presenters then defined implementation mechanisms and why they matter from a practical and scientific perspective. Drs. Cara Lewis and Nate Williams presented results from two systematic reviews of implementation mechanisms, which reveal what we already know about implementation mechanisms and critical next steps for the field. This webinar was the first activity toward developing a research agenda for studying implementation mechanisms, which is the goal of SIRC’s R13 entitled,“Advancing Mechanisms of Implementation to Accelerate Sustainable Evidence-Based Practice Integration”.