The Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) is pleased to announce the upcoming webinar:
Setting the Stage for Understanding Mechanisms of Implementation
Friday, March 22nd
3:00-4:00 EDT/2:00-3:00 CDT/1:00-2:00 MDT/12:00-1:00 PDT
Registration link:
David Chambers will begin this webinar with an historical overview of the field of implementation science, setting the stage for why we are now poised to explore implementation mechanisms. Presenters will define implementation mechanisms and why they matter from a practical and scientific perspective. Cara Lewis and Nate Williams will present results from two systematic reviews of implementation mechanisms, which will reveal what we already know about implementation mechanisms and critical next steps for the field. This webinar is the first activity toward developing a research agenda for studyingimplementation mechanisms, which is the goal of SIRC’s new R13 entitled,“Advancing Mechanisms of Implementation to Accelerate Sustainable Evidence-Based Practice Integration”.

Dr. David Chambers is Deputy Director for Implementation Science in the Office of the Director in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Dr. Chambers manages a team focusing on efforts to build and advance the field of Implementation Science (IS) through funding opportunity announcements, training mechanisms, dissemination platforms, and enhancement of partnerships and networks to integrate research, practice and policy. He received his A.B. degree (with Honors) in Economics from Brown University in 1997, and an M.Sc. and D.Phil degree in Management Studies (Organisational Behaviour) in 1998 and 2001, respectively, from Oxford University (UK).

Dr. Cara C. Lewis is a clinical psychologist, associate investigator at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute and affiliate faculty in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington. She is Past President of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration and co-founding Editor-in-Chief of the proposed SIRC journal. Her research focuses on advancing pragmatic and rigorous measures and methods for implementation science and practice, and informing tailored implementation of evidence based practices. She is also a Beck Scholar with expertise in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Dr. Nate Williams is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Boise State University and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. His research focuses on the relationship between organizational culture and climate and evidence-based practice implementation in children’s mental health services, developing and testing organizational implementation strategies, and methods for conceptualizing and testing multilevel mechanisms in implementation science.