Breakout B – October 13, 2011 (MC: Aaron Lyon)
1. Using Technology to Support the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices in Mental Health
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Presenter: Ken Weingardt, PhD
Author: Ken Weingardt, VA Palo Alto Health Care System and Stasnford University School of Medicine
1. Provide overview of current research across three areas: online clinical training, web-based self-help, and mobile apps.
2. Describe models of institutional Systems Design (ISD), Agile Software Development (e.g. Rational Unified Process), and New Product Development (NPD) highlighting, the central role of iterative review and feedback.
3. Provide examples of my current projects with VA and University partners, with an emphasis on lessons learned and best practices
4. Describe barriers and facilitators to doing high quality research in this area.
2. Online Platform to Help Mental Health Practitioners Implement EBPs
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Presenter: Kelly Koerner, PhD
Authors: Kelly Koerner, Evidence-Based Practice Institute, LLC, and Jacqueline Persons, San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy
Abstract: Our goal is to build PracticeGround, an online platform that provides the technical infrastructure to deliver online training and consultation in any EBP while measuring patients’ response to it and practitioners’ implementation of it. We have a funded NIMH SBIR to build a prototype that makes it easy for practitioners, trainers and researchers to collect and view progress data during psychotherapy and the training of psychotherapy, compare the progress of the therapy or treatment fidelity to benchmarks, and obtain context-specific assistance for clinical problem-solving by using the system’s easy-to-access online training and expert and peer support to implement evidence-based practices. The study calls for professional and patient participants to identify the feasibility and acceptability barriers to use of the prototype through user testing. We also carry out a pilot test to test the hypothesis that use of the prototype is associated with increases in practitioners’ implementation of progress monitoring. We will have preliminary user testing data and early prototypes and would welcome the group’s input at this early stage of development.
3. Transforming Research into Effective, Ready-to-Use, Practical Skills and Programs
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Presenter: Paul Ciechanowski, MD
Authors: Paul Ciechanowski, Eddie Edmondson, and Allison Waddell, Center for Training, University of Washington
Abstract: Clinica research is not uniformly and effectively implemented. Instead of having a “bench to bedside” approach, most clinical research interventions end up being “bench to bookshelf.” This result in interventions having little or no programmatic or service impact in the real world. Effective translation of reserach findings into practical applications tends not to be a researcher’s core competency. Furthermore, dissemination activities are generally not included in the research cycle. The University of Washington Center for Training (C4T), a Project of UW’s Center for Commercialization, is uniquely positioned to address these shortcomings. C4T serves as a “megaphone” or vehicle fr reserachers to disseminate their interventions – thereby increasing the visibility and reach of research findings. C4T helps researchers to synthesize key intervention elements and develop organized ways of teaching concepts and skills, resulting in clinic-ready in-person and online trainings regionally and nationally. Building on this foundation of effective adult learning and integrating marketing methods with state-of-the-art technological platforms, C4T bridges the gap between research and dissemination. Clinical services are integrated with entrepreneurial expertise into an effective commercialization development.