RI: Available Resources refers to the level of resources dedicated for implementation and ongoing operations

including money, training, education, physical space, and time

Readiness for Implementation: Available Resources Measures

To see the head-to-head comparisons of the evidence-based assessment rating profiles for the instruments listed below, please click here.

Financial Resource Availability (FRA MRP)

Klein et al. (2001)

The Financial Resource Availability (MRP) is a 7-item instrument that assesses respondent’s perceptions of the availability of financial resources to support the implementation of MRP.
Financial Resource Availability (General) (FRA – Gen)

Klein et al. (2001)

The Financial Resource Availability (General) Scale is a 5-item scale that assesses respondents’ perceptions of the availability of slack financial resources for an organization.
Survey of Program Training Needs – Staff Version (TCU PTN)

Texas Christian University (2002)

The Survey of Program Training Needs- Staff Version is a 54-item instrument that gauges staff perceptions of training needs and readiness.

Disclaimer: Some instrument descriptions were taken directly from articles contained in specific instrument pages.