Organizational Culture Profile (Sarros)
The 2005 Sarros et al version of the OCP is a 28-item instrument used to examine the congruence between individual and organizational values, adapted from the original instrument for a sample of Australian managers. 

Evidence-Based Assessment Rating Profile

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Sample Items


Relevant Literature:

  1. Ball, A., Brewis, J., See, J., & Kummerow, E. H. (2008). Work and work???family values in accountancy. Pacific Accounting Review, 20(2), 158–184. doi:10.1108/01140580810892490

  2. Charlton, P. (2009). Analyzing the effects of telecommuting practices of professional staff on the cultural strength of an organization. NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY.

  3. Jung, T., Scott, T., Davies, H. T. O., Bower, P., Whalley, D., McNally, R., & Mannion, R. (2009). Instruments for Exploring Organizational Culture: A Review of the Literature. Public Administration Review, 69(6), 1087–1096. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6210.2009.02066.x

  4. King, T., & Byers, J. F. (2007). A review of organizational culture instruments for nurse executives. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 37(1), 21–31.

  5. Sarros, J. C. (James C., Gray, J., Densten, I. L., & Monash University. Faculty of Business and Economics. (2003). The next generation of the organizational culture profile

  6. Sarros, J. C., Gray, J., Densten, I. L., & Cooper, B. (2005). The Organizational Culture Profile Revisited and Revised: An Australian Perspective. Australian Journal of Management, 30(1), 159–182. doi:10.1177/031289620503000109

  7. Zachariadou, T., Zannetos, S., & Pavlakis, A. (2013). Organizational culture in the primary healthcare setting of Cyprus. BMC Health Services Research, 13(1), 112. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-13-112