Implementation Leadership Scale (ILS)

The Implementation Leadership Scale is a 12-item scale that measures specific behaviors that leaders exhibit to promote effective implementation.


Relevant Literature:

Aarons, G. A., Ehrhart, M. G., & Farahnak, L. R. (2014). The implementation leadership scale (ILS): development of a brief measure of unit level implementation leadership. Implementation Science9(1), 45.

Hunter, S. B., Han, B., Slaughter, M. E., Godley, S. H., & Garner, B. R. (2017). Predicting evidence-based treatment sustainment: results from a longitudinal study of the Adolescent-Community Reinforcement Approach. Implementation Science12(1), 75. 

Powell, B. J., Mandell, D. S., Hadley, T. R., Rubin, R. M., Evans, A. C., Hurford, M. O., & Beidas, R. S. (2017). Are general and strategic measures of organizational context and leadership associated with knowledge and attitudes toward evidence-based practices in public behavioral health settings? A cross-sectional observational study. Implementation Science12(1), 64.

Aarons, G. A., Ehrhart, M. G., Torres, E. M., Finn, N. K., & Beidas, R. S. (2016). The humble leader: association of discrepancies in leader and follower ratings of implementation leadership with organizational climate in mental health. Psychiatric Services68(2), 115-122.

Aarons, G. A., Ehrhart, M. G., Torres, E. M., Finn, N. K., & Roesch, S. C. (2016). Validation of the Implementation Leadership Scale (ILS) in substance use disorder treatment organizations. Journal of substance abuse treatment68, 31-35.

Beidas, R. S., Marcus, S., Aarons, G. A., Hoagwood, K. E., Schoenwald, S., Evans, A. C., … & Adams, D. R. (2015). Individual and organizational factors related to community clinicians’ use of therapy techniques in a large public mental health system. JAMA pediatrics169(4), 374.

Finn, N. K., Torres, E. M., Ehrhart, M. G., Roesch, S. C., & Aarons, G. A. (2016). Cross-validation of the Implementation Leadership Scale (ILS) in child welfare service organizations. Child maltreatment21(3), 250-255.

Torres, E. M., Ehrhart, M. G., Beidas, R. S., Farahnak, L. R., Finn, N. K., & Aarons, G. A. (2018). Validation of the Implementation Leadership Scale (ILS) with supervisors’ self-ratings. Community mental health journal54(1), 49-53.