The absorptive capacity for change, shared receptivity of involved individuals to an intervention, and the extent to which use of that intervention will be rewarded, supported, and expected within their organization. | |
Implementation Climate |
To see the head-to-head comparisons of the evidence-based assessment rating profiles for the instruments listed below, please click here. | |
Climate for Innovation Questionnaire Creative Problem Solving Group at State University of New York at Buffalo (1992) |
The Climate for Innovation Questionnaire is a 60-item instrument that measures ten dimensions demonstrated empirically as associated with innovative outputs. | |
Crisco Psychological Climate Questionnaire Serge Gagnon (2010) |
The CRISO—PCQ is a 60-item instrument that organizes psychological climate dimensions according to situational referents related to one’s job, role, leader, work group and organization. | |
The General Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work Lindstrom et al. (2002) |
The QPS Nordic is a 123-item instrument designed for the assessment of psychological, social and organizational working conditions: 1) to provide a basis for implementing organizational development and interventions, 2) for documentation of changes in working conditions, and 3) for research into associations between work and health. | |
Health Care Climate Questionnaire Williams, Grow, Freedman, Ryan, & Deci (1996) |
The HCCQ is a 15-item instrument used to assess patients’ perceptions of the degree to which their specific doctor or their team of health care providers is autonomy supportive. | |
Inductive Measures of Psychological Climate Koys & DeCotiis (1991) |
The Inductive Measures of Psychological Climate scale is a 40-item instrument measuring employees’ perceptions of their organization’s psychological climate in terms of perceived autonomy, pressure, support, etc. | |
Scott & Bruce (1994) |
The Innovative Climate Scale is a 22-item instrument used to study a climate’s effects on innovation based on factors such as encouragement of creativity, organizational flexibility and reward systems for innovation | |
Teresa Amabile (1995) |
The KEYS Instrument is a 78-item instrument designed to assess perceived stimulants and obstacles to creativity in organizational work environments. | |
National Criminal Justice Treatment Practices Taxman, Henderson, Young, & Farrel (2012) |
The NCJTP is a 19-item instrument designed to describe and quantify the array of correctional settings and diverse populations served in these settings, including the juvenile justice system. | |
DeJoy, Murphy, & Geshon (1995) |
The NIOSH Safety Climate Scale is a 7-item scale that emphasizes employee perceptions of management support for safety and the importance of safety issues within the organization (e.g., “there are no significant shortcuts taken when workplace safety and health are at stake???). | |
Organizational Climate Instrument Steckler, Goodman, McLeroy, Davis, and Koch (1991) |
The Organizational Climate Instrument is a 32-item instrument used measure employee’s satisfaction with their jobs, their supervisors, and their involvement in decision making, as well as whether they feel that their organization takes appropriate risks, motivates, and manages conflict well. | |
Organizational Climate Measure Patterson, West, Shackleton (2004) |
The Organizational Climate Measure is an 82-item instrument used as a generic tool for measuring organizational climate, organized along four dimensions (values): Human Relations, Internal Process, Open Systems, and Rational Goal. | |
Charles Glisson (2000) |
The Organizational Climate Survey is a 28-item instrument designed to assess organizational climate perceptions of professionals working in human service agencies. | |
Psychological Climate Inventory Glisson & James; James & Sells (2002; 1981) |
The Psychological Climate Inventory is a 17-item instrument used to measure perceived work environment variables. | |
Adoption of Information Technology Innovation- Voluntariness Subscale Moore & Benbasat (1991) |
The Voluntariness Subscale of the Adaption of Information Technology scale is a 4-item tool used to assess the level of choice that employees have when it comes to using new technologies. | |
Patient Safety Climate in Healthcare Organizations Singer, Meterko, Baker, Gaba, Falwell, & Rosen (2007) |
The PSCI is a 44-item instrument used to measure the workers’ perceptions and attitudes about safety climate in their institutions. | |
Perceived Organizational Climate Inventory Zhang & Begley (2010) |
The Perceived Organizational Climate Inventory is a 33-item instrument used to measure employees’ perceptions of their organization’s climate in terms of factors such as autonomy at work, job satisfaction and security, and access to resources, among others. | |
Psychological Climate & Satisfaction Christopher Parker (1995) |
The Psychological Climate & Satisfaction Survey is a 120-item instrument used to help participating organizations better understand their employees’ perceptions of the work environment. | |
Altman et al. (1998) |
The Psychological Climate Survey measures four dimensions of work environment perceptions: role, job, leader, and work group. | |
Nembhard, Northrup, Shaller, & Cleary (2012) |
The Quality-Oriented Climate scale is a 12-item instrument that surveys clinic employees about organizational climate characteristics, such as levels of trust and cooperation within units, openness of communication, and prioritization of quality care. | |
Kines et al. |
NOSACQ-50 contains seven safety climate dimensions, comprising 50 items with 22 items evaluating management policies, procedures and practices, and 28 items evaluating workgroup ditto. | |
The Organizational Climate Measure John P. Campbell |
The Organizational Climate Measure is a 110-item instrument that measures the psychological atmosphere of an organization. | |
Anderson & West (1994) |
The TCI is a 61-item instrument that measures the climate for innovation and team performance in a team or work group. | |
Voice Project (2003) |
The Voice Climate Survey is a 102-item, well-validated and normed employee survey that measures 31 work practices and outcomes. | |
Peter Langford (2003) |
The Voice Pulse Survey is a 31-item instrument designed as an efficient measure of the seven higher-order work systems, whose primary purpose is to predict organizational outcomes. | |
Adoption of Smoking Cessation Expert SystemHoving et. al. (2006) | |
The Adoption of Smoking Cessation Expert System is a 16-item instrument designed to measure determinants influencing the decision to adopt the expert system. | |
Disclaimer: Some instrument descriptions were taken directly from articles contained in specific instrument pages.