Extrinsic incentives such as goal-sharing awards, performance reviews,promotions, and raises in salary, as well as less tangible incentives such as increased stature or respect.
IC: Organizational Incentives and Rewards Measures

To see the head-to-head comparisons of the evidence-based assessment rating profiles for the instruments listed below, please click here.

Adoption of Information Technology Innovation- Image Subscale

Moore & Benbasat (1991)

The Image Subscale of the Adaption of Information Technology scale is a 5-item tool used to measure the degree to which the use of the Personal Work Stations (PWS) enhances one’s image or status within the organization.

Awards Fairness Scale

Thompson, Bailey, Joseph, Worley, & Williams (1999)

The Awards Fairness Scale is a 6-item instrument that assesses the perceived fairness of awards distributed within an organization.
Awards System Fairness Scale Thompson, Bailey, Joseph, Worley, & Williams (1999)
The Awards System Fairness Scale is a 4-item scale that assesses the perceived degree of fairness in the procedures used to determine and distribute rewards within an organization.
Provider Survey of Incentives (PSI) Kirby, Benishek, Dugosh, Kerwin (2006)
The PSI is a 44-item survey that was developed to assess substance abuse treatment providers’ attitudes toward CM incentives programs.

Disclaimer: Some instrument descriptions were taken directly from articles contained in specific instrument pages.