Breakout F – May 17, 2013

Solving Research Dilemmas Related to Implementation Fidelity

Presentation Slides    Video of Presentation

Presenter:  Rebecca Selove, PhD

Authors:  Rebecca Selove, PhD, MPH, Kathryn Mathes, BSN, RN, MS, PhD, & Heather Wallace, PhD, Centerstone Research Institute

Abstract:  The Interactive Systems Framework (ISF) offers a broad context within which a variety of implementation projects can be described and improved.  Centerstone Research Institute (CRI) is uniquely positioned to evaluate implementation processes and outcomes for a diverse range of community-based health improvement projects.  Three CRI-evaluated programs were selected for systematic retrospective review using the ISF to identify barriers to and facilitators of implementation with fidelity.  The services provided by these programs include (a) community development of a system of care for transition-age youth, (b) intensive in-home intervention with parents involved in the judicial system in connection with substance abuse histories, and (c) a school-based educational program to reduce risk of teen pregnancy.  Data came from staff observations, evaluation records, and interviews with program managers and service providers.  The symposium will provide an overview of potentially critical elements of fidelity related to each of the three systems of the ISF, and description of the investigation methodology.  Presenters will highlight challenges to researchers in the Translation and Synthesis System and their implications for implementation planning. The three panelists will discuss cross-cutting approaches to research dilemmas related to planning for implementation fidelity in a variety of programs and services.