Dimensions of Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ)
The DLOQ is a 21-item instrument that determines theoretical relationships of the learning culture and other variables such as organizational performance, transfer of learning, and organizational capability.

Evidence-Based Assessment Rating Profile


Relevant Literature:

  1. Benjamin, D. (2009). The School as Learning Organization: Validation of the DLOQ with School Staff. ALFRED UNIVERSITY.
  2. Egan, T. M., Yang, B., & Bartlett, K. R. (2004). The effects of organizational learning culture and job satisfaction on motivation to transfer learning and turnover intention. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 15(3), 279–301. doi:10.1002/hrdq.1104
  3. Haque, M. M. (2008). A study of the relationship between the learning organization and organizational readiness for change. PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY.
  4. Joo, B. K. (Brian), McLean, G., & Yang, B. (n.d.). The Relationship between Organizational Learning Culture and Core Job Characteristics for Knowledge Workers in Korea. University of Minnesota.
  5. Lim, T. (2010). Relationships among organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and learning organization culture in one Korean private organization. Asia Pacific Education Review, 11(3), 311–320. doi:10.1007/s12564-010-9087-z.
  6. Park, Y. (2009). Factors influencing self???directed career management: an integrative investigation. Journal of European Industrial Training, 33(7), 578–593. doi:10.1108/03090590910985363
  7. Pimapunsri, P. (2011). Factors affecting learning organization culture and hotel managers’ leadership styles in Thailand. Education Journal of Thailand, 2(1), 34–43.
  8. Reese, S. R. (2012). The Relationship Between Organizational Identification and Learning Organization Dimensions in a Franchise Network: An Exploratory Survey Research Study. THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY.
  9. Song, J. H. (2008). The effects of learning organization culture on the practices of human knowledge-creation: an empirical research study in Korea. International Journal of Training and Development, 12(4), 265–281. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2419.2008.00311.x
  10. Song, J. H., Joo, B.-K. (Brian), & Chermack, T. J. (2009). The Dimensions of Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ): A validation study in a Korean context. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 20(1), 43–64. doi:10.1002/hrdq.20007
  11. Wang, X., Yang, B., & McLean, G. N. (2007). Influence of Demographic Factors and Ownership Type Upon Organizational Learning Culture in Chinese Enterprises (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. ID 1009876). Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network.
  12. Yang, B. (2003). Identifying Valid and Reliable Measures for Dimensions of a Learning Culture. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 5(2), 152–162. doi:10.1177/1523422303005002003
  13. Yang, B., Watkins, K. E., & Marsick, V. J. (2004). The construct of the learning organization: Dimensions, measurement, and validation. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 15(1), 31–55. doi:10.1002/hrdq.1086