Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II- Medium Questionnaire
The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (Medium Version) is an 87-item tool for workplace assessment of the psychosocial work environment, to be used by work environment professionals.

Evidence-Based Assessment Rating Profile


Sample Items


Link to main document: COPSOQ II
Relevant Literature:

  1. Løkke Møller, Ann-Kristina. (n.d.). Bullying at the workplace – a problem for public sector employees?
  2. Mintz-Binder, R. (2012). Addressing Occupational Workplace Issues “In Action???: An Ongoing Study of Nursing Academic Program Directors. In R. J. Gatchel & I. Z. Schultz (Eds.), Handbook of Occupational Health and Wellness (pp. 535–548). Springer US. 
  3. Pejtersen, J. H., Kristensen, T. S., Borg, V., & Bjorner, J. B. (2010). The second version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 38(3 suppl), 8–24. doi:10.1177/1403494809349858