Breakout A – October 13, 2011 (MC: Sue Kerns)
1. NREPP and Evidence-Based Practice Dissemination
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Presenter: Kristin J. Miller, MSW
Author: Kristin J. MIller, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Abstract: More than 190 interventions supporting mental health promotion, substance abuse prevention, and mental health and substance abuse treatment have been reviewed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) since its launch in 2007. NREPP’s process for reviewing interventions includes a focus on Readiness for Dissemination (RFD), which documents strengths and weaknesses of existing materials for implementation, training, support, and quality assurance. NREPP also collects information on the implementation history of each reviewed intervention, which has allowed the reach of these interventions to be quantified.
Our proposed presentation will include (1) an overview of NREPP and the process for reviewing interventions, (2) a focus on the NREPP review segment that assesses an intervention’s RFD, and (3) implications for the implementation field, as described through an analysis of the RFD reviews conducted to date.
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants can expect to:
• Describe NREPP and the RFD review process
• Recognize the reach of EBPs and how this reach relates to the need for progress in the development of successful implementation and dissemination plans
• Identify common facilitators and barriers to successful implementation of interventions on NREPP
2. Employing Conceptual Models and Implementation Strategies to Enhance Implementation Research and Real-World Care: Findings from the Substance Use Disorder Treatment Literature
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Presenter: Joseph E. Glass, MSW
Authors: Joseph E. Glass, Byron J. Powell, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St Louis, Alicia C. Bunger, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Ryan Santens, Ashley M. Hamilton, Ana A. Baumann, and Enola K. Proctor, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St Louis
Abstract: Reviews have identified over 20 conceptual models explaining implementation processes, several of which originated in the addictions treatment literature. Choosing a conceptual model has implications for real world implementation planning and research design and may enhance one’s ability to achieve optimal implementation and clinical outcomes. This study appraises the conceptual frameworks used in implementation research conducted in specialty substance use disorder treatment settings. We conducted a systematic review, extracting data from implementation research articles that we identified in electronic databases (CINAHL Plus, MEDLINE, and PsycINFO). We included studies that used implementation strategies to bring evidence-based treatments into real-world care (i.e. “active implementation efforts???). Analyses of the 26 identified studies described the implementation-specific conceptual frameworks used in addictions research, and revealed associations between the conceptual models that were employed and the types of implementation strategies (Powell et al., 2011) and implementation outcomes (Proctor et al., 2011) that were assessed. Studies that explicitly identified a conceptual framework for implementation tended to use more implementation strategies, yet overall, implementation strategies most often focused on provider behavior as opposed to the organizational or policy context. We argue that future work should explicate how implementation strategies map onto conceptual domains of implementation frameworks.
3. Dissemination and Implementation Science: Research Models and Methods
Presentation Slides Video of Presentation
Presenter: Rinad Beidas, PhD
Authors: Rinad Beidas, University of Pennsylvania, Tara Mehta, Marc Atkins, Bonnie Solomon, and Jenna Merz, University of Illinois at Chicago
Abstract: Dissemination and implementation (DI) science has grown exponentially in the past decade. This presentation will focus on research methodology pertinent to empirical DI inquiry within mental health services research by reviewing models of DI science and presenting and discussing design and variables relevant to DI processes. With regard to models of DI science, we will present heuristic models that can guide study conceptualization (e.g., Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research; Damschroder et al., 2009) and as well as models that are more specific to various DI questions including models that emphasize individual practitioners (e.g., Theory of Planned Behavior; Ajzen, 1988; 1991) and social and organizational processes (e.g., Diffusion of Innovation; Rogers, 1995). Comparisons between models will be emphasized. With regard to design and variables relevant to DI science, we will focus on reviewing innovative designs that are particularly salient to DI including experimental (e.g., Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) designs), quasi-experimental (e.g., single case time series designs), and qualitative methodology.