Associate Editors

David Almirall, PhD

Dr. Almirall develops methods used to form adaptive interventions, also known as dynamic treatment regimens. Adaptive interventions can be used to inform individualized treatment guidelines for the on-going management of chronic illnesses or disorders such as anxiety, depression, autism, diabetes, obesity, or HIV/AIDS. Dr. Almirall works primarily on methods related to the design, execution, and analysis of sequential multiple assignment randomized trials (SMARTs). SMARTs give rise to high-quality data that can be used to build and optimize ATSs. He is also interested in the development of methods for causal inference using longitudinal intervention data in which treatments, covariates, and outcomes are all time-varying. A specific interest in this area has been the development of methods for examining time-varying effect moderation.

Rinad Beidas, PhD

Rinad Beidas, PhD, is an Assistant Professor, Psychology in Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, as well as the leader of ABCT DIS-SIG, Director, of the University of Pennsylvania’s Implementation Science Working Group and Director of Implementation Research. Dr. Beidas’ research research group has two primary foci: (1) improving behavioral health and the quality of behavioral health services for traditionally underserved patients; and (2) advancing the study of methods to promote the systematic uptake of research findings and other evidence-based practices into routine practice to improve the quality and effectiveness of health services (i.e., implementation science). Dr. Beidas has published approximately 100 articles and is the co-editor of the only book published on EBPs in youth, Dissemination and implementation of evidence-based practices in child and adolescent mental health. Dr. Beidas’s work has been funded by the National Institutes of Health continuously since 2012.

David Bradford, PhD

David Bradford, PhD, is the Busbee Chair in Public Policy in the Department of Public Administration and Policy and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Georgia. Dr. Bradford is co-editor of the peer-reviewed journal Health Economics Letters. He is also on the editorial board for the journal Health Economics, and is on the oversight boards for both the American Health Economics Conference and the Southeastern Health Economics Study Group. Dr. Bradford has significant experience with funded research, serving or having served as Principal Investigator on 20 extramurally funded research projects, and has been a permanent member of the Health Services Organization and Delivery study section for the National Institutes of Health. A significant component of Dr. Bradford’s current research involves: understanding the effects of cannabis and opioid policies on public health outcomes; the origins of time and risk preferences and their effects on health care related decisions; and behavioral economics, including integrating the adaptation into neoclassical models of consumer choice. His work on intertemporal decision making includes several projects that assess time and risk preferences of individuals and that determine the effects of those preferences on the demand for health care and on health insurance choices. He is also active in the area of prescription pharmaceutical markets, including the role of FDA policies, off-label utilization and advertising.

Amy Kilbourne, PhD, MPH

Amy Kilbourne, PhD, MPH, is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan School of Medicine, as well as the Director of the VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI). Dr. Kilbourne is a national expert in implementation science, notably the development and testing of quality improvement strategies to improve uptake of evidence-based practices. She has also been widely recognized for her development of integrated treatment models for mental disorders, research involving academic-community partnerships, and interventions to promote evidence-based health policy. Dr. Kilbourne serves on several national committees, including the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Technical Expert Panel on Learning Health Care Systems and NIMH Council, and is a Senior Fellow with the Partnership for Public Service in Washington, D.C.

Aaron Lyon, PhD

Aaron Lyon, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington (UW). He is also the Director of the UW School Mental Health Assessment, Research, and Training (SMART) Center, an implementation research and technical assistance center focused on supporting the use of evidence-based behavioral health practices in the education sector. Dr. Lyon’s research focuses on increasing the accessibility, efficiency, and effectiveness of interventions for children, adolescents, and families; delivered within contexts (e.g., schools) that routinely provide care to chronically underserved populations (e.g., low socioeconomic status and ethnic minority youth).


Lawrence Palinkas, PhD

Larry Palinkas, PhD, is the Albert G. and Frances Lomas Feldman Professor of Social Policy and Health and director of the Behavioral Health Research Cluster at the USC School of Social Work. He also holds secondary appointments as professor in the departments of anthropology and preventive medicine at USC and as adjunct professor of medicine and family and preventive medicine at the University of California, San Diego. A medical anthropologist, his primary areas of expertise lie within preventive medicine, cross-cultural medicine and health services research. Palinkas is particularly interested in behavioral health, global behavioral health and health disparities, implementation science, community- based participatory research, and the sociocultural and environmental determinants of health and health-related behavior. Dr. Palinkas is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Social Welfare and Social Work, American Anthropological Association, Society for Applied Anthropology and Society for Social Work and Research and the author of more than 400 publications.

Michael Southam-Gerow, PhD

Michael Southam-Gerow, PhD, is a tenured Professor in the Department of Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and currently serves as the Chair of the Department. He also serves as the Associate Editor of the Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology. His research focuses on the dissemination and implementation of psychological treatments for mental health problems in children and adolescents. He also has interest in emotion regulation in children. Dr. Southam-Gerow is also a consultant with PracticeWise, LLC, a private company offering training in evidence-based approaches to children’s mental health care to therapists and agencies.


Terje Ogden, PhD

Terje Ogden, PhD, is the research director at the Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development, Unirand and a professor at the Institute of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway. Since 1998 he has been the director of the research program on the national implementation and evaluation of empirically supported programs for the prevention and treatment of serious behavior problems in children and youth in Norway.