
Caryn Blitz, PhD

Administration for Children and Families, US DHHS

 Kate Comtois, PhD, MPH

University of Washington


Steering Committee: William A. Aldridge II, PhD, Brittany Rhodes-Cooper, PhD, Doyanne Darnell, PhD, Maria Monroe-DeVita, PhD, Sapana R. Patel, PhD, Brian Bumbarger, PhD


The SIRC Practitioner Network of Expertise (PNoE), with the support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the SIRC Board, has begun a project addressing the lack of infrastructure for the implementation of prevention and treatment interventions. Implementation infrastructure is an issue that cuts across the SIRC membership. Moreover, the issue serves as a focal point within each of the three PNoE sub-networks (provider, intermediary, and policy/funder) for advocacy and fundraising, practice, and scholarship. The I3 aims to develop a series of guidance documents and resources for the development of implementation infrastructure across provider, intermediary, and policy/funder levels.

I3 webinars: Within the past year, I3 kicked off with a series of three webinars to summarize what has already been documented about these issues and successful exemplars at state and national levels. The first webinar, which can be viewed here, summarized what has already been documented about these issues and successful exemplars. The second webinar highlighted examples of state-level infrastructure for implementing and scaling multiple prevention and treatment strategies and can be viewed here. The third webinar can be viewed here and highlighted examples of national implementation infrastructure organized by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

I3 Preconference Workshop at 6th Biennial SIRC Conference: Developing Comprehensive Infrastructure to Support Evidence-Based Practice Implementation and Sustainability: Preparing Guidance for Providers, Intermediaries, Policymakers, and Funders: a preconference workshop at the SIRC 2022 conference, learn more here.


More information about the I3 initiative can be found here.

I3 is supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a private philanthropy that creates a brighter future for the nation’s children and youth by developing solutions to strengthen families, build paths to economic opportunity and transform struggling communities into safer and healthier places to live, work and grow.