Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research
- Intervention Characteristics
125 - Outer Setting
280 - Inner Setting
280 - Characteristics of Individuals
280 - Process
280 - Implementation Outcomes
Intervention Characteristics
Outer Setting
Inner Setting
Characteristics of Individuals
Implementation Outcomes
The degree to which an intervention can be adapted, tailored, refined, or reinvented to meet local needs.
The Reinvention Measurement Instrument (RMI)
Galbraith, Stanton, Boekeloo, King, Desmond, Howard, Black & Carey (2008)
Perceived difficulty of implementation, reflected by duration, scope, radicalness, disruptiveness, centrality, and intricacy and number of steps required to implement.
eHealth Innovation Questionaire
Nancy L. Atkinson (2007)
Perceived Characteristics of Innovation Ease of Use Survey
Moore & Benbasat (1991)
Scott Innovation Scale
Scott et al (2008)
The cost impact of an implementation effort.
Treatment Cost Analysis Tool (TCAT)
Design Quality & Packaging
Perceived excellence in how the intervention is bundled, presented, and assembled.
Comparative Packaging Assessment (COMPAS)
Online *
Evidence Strength & Quality
Stakeholders’ perceptions of the quality and validity of evidence supporting the belief that the intervention will have desired outcomes.
Evidence Based Assessment Criteria
Hunsley & Mash (2008)
Influences on Practitioner Treatment Selection
Nelson & Steele (2008)
Quality Checklist for Health Care Intervention Studies
Downs & Black (1998)
GuideLine Implementability Appraisal (GLIA)
Kashyap, Dixon, Michel, Brandt & Shiffman (2005)
Intervention Source
Perception of key stakeholders about whether the intervention is externally or internally developed.
Relative Advantage
Stakeholders’ perception of the advantage of implementing the intervention versus an alternative solution.
Innovation characteristics
Innovation survey
Measurement of innovation attributes
Perceived Attributes of The Principles of Effectiveness
Perceived benefits of MRPTOO implementation
Perceived Characteristics of Innovation Relative Advantage Survey
Scales for the Measurement of Innovativeness
eHealth Innovation Questionnaire
The ability to test the intervention on a small scale in the organization, and to be able to reverse course (undo implementation) if warranted.
Perceived Characteristics of Innovation Trialability Survey
eHealth Innovation Questionnaire
External Policies & Incentives
Visit this item’s page
Combined (Functioning, Context)
The social context created by an orgnization includes interpersonal relationships, social norms, behavioral expectations, individual perceptions, attitudes, and other psychosocial factors that govern how organizational members approach their work, interact with others in their organization, interpret their work environment, collaborate with members of “referent??? organizations, and feel about their jobs.
Culture and Climate Survey (Miseung Shim, 2010)
This paper addresses this void left by Glisson and his colleagues in the study of organizational culture and climate through a systematic examination of organizational culture and climate and their effects on employee turnover in child welfare.
Survey of Organizational Functioning
(Texas Christian University, 2005)
The TCU Survey of Organizational Functioning is a tool used to assess organizational functioning via scales that explore job attitudes, workplace practices, motivational factors, program resources, staff attributes, and organizational climate.
Culture and Climate survey
(Miseung Shim, 2010)
Description of measure
General Organizational Index
North Carolina Evidence-Based Practices Center
Description of measure
Individual and Organizational Performance
(Burke & Litwin)
Description of measure
Organization Checklist
(Lucy Berliner)
Description of measure
Organizational Social Context Measurement System
Glisson and Hemmelgarn
“This survey assesses the organizational characteristics of social and mental health service teams???
Online Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument
Description of measure
Organizational Attributes Survey
(Joan Ash, 1997)
Description of measure
Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument
(Cameron & Quinn, 2000)
Description of measure
Partnership Self-Assessment Tool
Center for the Advancement of Collaborative Strategies in Health
Description of the measure
State Health Authority Yardstick
(Finnerty, Rap, Bond, Lynde, & Goldman, 2007)
Description of measure
VHA clinical practice organizational survey: Chief of staff module
Yano, Fleming, et al
Description of measure
VHA clinical practice organizational survey: Primary care director module
Yano, Fleming, et al
Description of measure
VHA Clinical Practice Organizational Survey
VA Office of Quality & Performance and the office of Research & Development
Description of measure
Work Environment Scale
Consulting Psychologists Press
Description of measure
IC: Organizational Incentives & Rewards
Visit this item’s page
Readiness for Implementation (RI)
Visit this item’s page
RI: Access to Information and Knowledge
Visit this item’s page
Knowledge & Belief about the Intervention
Visit this item’s page
Individual Identification with Organization
Visit this item’s page
Internal Implementation Leaders
Visit this item’s page
Engaging: External Change Agents
Visit this item’s page
The perception among implementation stakeholders that a given treatment, service, practice, or innovation is agreeable, palatable, or satisfactory. | |
Acceptability of Intervention/Innovation | |
Abbreviated Acceptability Rating Profile (AARP) Tarnowski, Simonian, Bekeny, & Park (1992) |
The Abbreviated Acceptability Rating Profile is an 8-item instrument used to assess parents’ acceptability of an intervention for their child. | |
Acceptability of Computerized Self-Assessment Bendtsen & Timpka (1999) |
The Acceptability of Computerized Self-Assessment survey is used to assess clients’ perceptions about their own use of computerized self-assessment. | |
Acceptability of Intervention Measure-Pre-test (AIM-pre) Henninger (2010) |
The Acceptability of Intervention Measure pre-test is a 13-item instrument used to assess teachers’ acceptability of a classroom intervention prior to its implementation. | |
Acceptability of Intervention Measure–Post Test (AIM-post)
Henninger (2010) |
The Acceptability of Intervention Measure Post-Test is a 13-item instrument used to assess teachers’ acceptability of a classroom intervention after its implementation and use. | |
Adapted TEI-Short FormJohnston, Hommersen, & Seipp (2008) | |
The Adapted TEI- Short Form is a 5-item instrument used to assess parents’ perceptions of the acceptability of an intervention for their child. | |
Assessment Rating Profile-15 (ARP-15)Connell (2005) | |
The Assessment Rating Profile-15 is a 15-item instrument used to assess teachers’ acceptability of a classroom intervention for their students. | |
Assessment Rating Profile-Revised (ARP-R)Eckert, Hintze & Shapiro (2000) | |
The Assessment Rating Profile – Revised is a 12-item instrument designed to evaluate school psychologist’s acceptability of assessment methods for children. | |
Athlete Preference Questionnaire (APQ)Maniar, Curry, Sommers-Flanagan, & Walsh (2001) | |
The Athlete Preference Questionnaire is a 4-item instrument used to assess athletes’ acceptability to receive help from a range of sources. | |
Behavior Intervention Rating Scale (BIRS)Von Brock & Elliott (1987) | |
The Behavior Intervention Rating Scale, a revision and extension of the Intervention Rating Profile-15, is a 24-item instrument used to assess teachers’ perceptions of treatment acceptability and treatment effectiveness of a behavioral interventions for children. | |
Behavior Intervention Rating Scale-Revised (BIRS-R)Elliott & Von Brock Treuting (1991) | |
The Behavior Intervention Rating Scale-Revised is a 24-item instrument used to assess teachers’ acceptability of classroom consultation procedures. | |
Children’s Evaluation Inventory (CEI) Kazdin, Esveldt-Dawson, French, and Unis (1987) | |
The Children’s Evaluation Inventory is a 19-item instrument used to evaluate mentally ill childrens’ acceptability of their own individual psychotherapy. | |
Children’s Intervention Rating Profile (CIRP) Witt & Elliott (1985) | |
The Children’s Intervention Rating Profile is a 7-item instrument used to assess childrens’ perceptions of classroom interventions for misbehaving/troubled children. | |
Children’s Usage Rating Profile (CURP)Briesch & Chafouleas (2009) | |
The Children’s Usage Rating Profile is a 40-item instrument used to assess the personal desirability, understanding, and feasibility of an intervention centered around children. | |
Classroom Organization and Management Program (COMP) Treatment AcceptabilityTanol (2010) | |
The Classroom Organization and Management Program (COMP) Treatment Acceptability instrument is a 10-item instrument used to measure teachers’ acceptability of COMP. | |
Geriatric Treatment Acceptability Survey (GTAS)Bourland & Lundervold (1989) | |
The Geriatric Treatment Acceptability Survey is used to assess older adults’ perceived acceptability of interventions for common behavioral problems in older adults. | |
The Good Behavior Game (GBG)-Response Cost/ GBG-Reinforcement Treatment AcceptabilityTanol, Johnson, McComas & Cote (2010) | |
The Good Behavior Game (GBG)-Response Cost/ GBG Reinforcement Treatment Acceptability Survey is an 11-item instrument used to assess teachers’ acceptability of GBG response cost/ reinforcement interventions in the classroom. | |
The Good Behavior Game (GBG) Treatment AcceptabilityTanol (2010) | |
The Good Behavior Game Treatment Acceptability instrument is a 12-item survey used to assess teachers’ acceptability of GBG in the classroom. | |
Influences on Psychotherapy Training Participation Scale (IPTPS)Lyon (2010) | |
The Influences on Psychotherapy Training Participation Scale is a 20-item instrument used to assess a variety of perceptions about an innovation, including perceived acceptability and feasibility. | |
Intervention Profile Rating Scale (IPRS)Kutsick, Gutkin & Witt (1991) | |
The Intervention Profile Rating Scale is an instrument used to assess a consumer’s perceived acceptability of a treatment. | |
Intervention Rating Profile-10 (IRP-10)Power, Hess, & Bennett (1995) | |
The Intervention Rating Profile-10 is a 10-item instrument developed to evaluate teachers’ acceptability of an intervention for their students. |
Intervention Rating Profile-15 (IRP-15)Martens, Witt, Elliott & Darveux (1985) | |
The Intervention Rating Profile-15 is a 15-item instrument used to assess teachers’ acceptability of a behavioral intervention for their students. | |
The Language Intervention Rating Profile (LIRP)Turan, Ostrosky, Halle & Destefano (2004) | |
The Language Intervention Rating Profile is a 10-item instrument used to assess teachers’ perceived acceptability of language interventions. | |
Modified Treatment Evaluation Inventory (MTEI)Johnston & Fine (1993) | |
The Modified Treatment Evaluation Inventory is a 19-item instrument used to assess perceived acceptability of a treatment or intervention. | |
Ottawa Acceptability of Decision Rules Instrument (OADRI)Brehaut, Graham, Wood, Taljaard, Eagles, Lott, Clement, Kelly, Mason, Kellerman, & Stiell (2010) | |
The Ottawa Acceptability of Decision Rules Instrument is a 12-item instrument used to assess physicians’ acceptability of clinical practice guidelines or clinical decision rule. | |
Overall Treatment AcceptabilityTanol (2010) | |
The Overall Treatment Acceptability measure is a 12-item instrument used for measuring teachers’ acceptability of a multi-component intervention package in the classroom. | |
Parent Evaluation Inventory-Child Treatment (PEI-C)Kazdin et al. (1992) | |
The Parent Evaluation Inventory-Child Treatment is a 20-item instrument used to asses parents’ perceived acceptability and barriers to participation in their child’s treatment. | |
Parent Evaluation Inventory-Parent Treatment (PEI-P)Kazdin et al. (1992) | |
The Parent Evaluation Inventory-Parent Treatment is a 14-item instrument that assesses parents’ perceptions of their own progress after an intervention. | |
Parent’s Acceptabilty of Stepping Stones Triple P Questionnaire (PAQ)Wee, Whittingham, Sanders, & Boyd (2009) | |
The Parenting Acceptability Questionnaire is a 15-item, post-intervention instrument used to evaluate acceptability score of a parenting program. | |
Parenting Strategies QuestionnaireWhittingham, Sofronoff, & Sheffield (2006) | |
The Parenting Strategies Questionnaire is a 3-item instrument used to assess parents’ perceived acceptability of parenting strategies. | |
The Pre-Referral Intervention Team Inventory (PRITI)Yetter (2010) | |
The Pre-Referral Intervention Team Inventory is a 24-item instrument designed to measure school staff’s perceptions of acceptability and effectiveness of interventions in school settings. | |
Self-Monitoring Treatment AcceptabilityTanol (2010) | |
The Self-Monitoring Treatment Acceptability instrument is a 11-item instrument used to assess teachers’ acceptability of self-monitoring program in the classroom. | |
Suicide Prevention Program Rating ProfileEckert, Miller, & DuPaul (1997) | |
The Suicide Prevention Program Rating Profile is a 14-item instrument that assesses school psychologists’ perceived acceptability of school-based suicide prevention programs. | |
Technology Acceptance Model QuestionnaireVan Schaik (2002) | |
The Technology Acceptance Model Questionnaire is an 18-item instrument used to assess early perceptions and acceptance of a particular technology. | |
Therapist Evaluation Inventory-Parent (TEI-PMT)Kazdin et al. (1992) | |
The Therapist Evaluation Inventory- Parent (TEI-PMT) is a 15-item instrument originally developed to measure the progress of parents who had completed parent management training, and adapted to examine consultant ratings of parent progress during consultation. | |
Treatment Acceptability Questionnaire (TAQ)Krain, Kendall & Power (2005) | |
The Treatment Acceptability Questionnaire, a slightly modified version of the AARP, is an 8-item instrument used to assess parents’ acceptability of a treatment for their child. | |
Treatment Acceptability Questionnaire ((Hunsley) (TAQ))Hunsley (1992) | |
Hunsley’s Treatment Acceptability Questionnaire is a 6-item, generally-worded instrument designed to assess psychologist’s/therapist’s acceptability of adult treatments, but can also be used across therapeutic modalities (individual or group settings) and for child treatments. | |
Treatment Acceptability Rating Form (TARF)Reimers & Wacker (1988) | |
The Treatment Acceptability Rating Form is a 15-item instrument used to assess teachers’ acceptability of an intervention on multiple levels of a treatment for their students including: disruption, time/reasonableness, effectiveness, reasonableness, and willingness. | |
Treatment Acceptability Rating Form-Revised (TARF-R)Reimers, Wacker, Cooper & de Raad (1992) | |
The Treatment Acceptability Rating Form-Revised is a 20-item instrument used to assess teachers’ acceptability of classroom interventions on multiple levels, including: reasonability, fit with classroom, cost, effectiveness, and understanding. | |
Treatment Evaluation Inventory-Short Form (TEI-SF)Kelley, Heffer, Gresham & Elliott (1989) | |
The Treatment Evaluation Inventory-Short Form, adapted from the Treatment Evaluation Inventory, is a 9-item instrument used to assess parental acceptance of alternative treatments used with children. | |
Treatment Plan Implementation (TPI) Monitoring and Feedback Acceptability Survey Easton (2009) | |
The TPI Monitoring and Feedback Acceptability Survey is a 36-item survey used to assess the feasibility, helpfulness, and the level of comfort a teacher felt with various steps in the innovation process. | |
Usage Rating Profile-Intervention (URP-l)Chafouleas, Briesch, Riley-Tillman & McCoach (2009) | |
The Usage Rating Profile is a 35-item self-report tool created to assess the usability of an intervention based off teachers’ acceptability, feasibility, usability, and the systems support needed to implement the intervention. | |
Acceptability of Training/Manual | |
Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS)Aarons (2007) | |
The Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale is a 15-item instrument used to assess mental health providers’ attitudes towards adoption of an evidence-based practice in a community mental health setting. | |
Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale-50 (EBPAS-50)Aarons, Cafri, Lugo, & Sawitzky (2010) | |
The Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale-50, an expanded Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale, is a 50-item instrument used to assess providers’ attitudes towards the adoption of a new evidence-based practice. | |
Journal Club Acceptability QuestionnaireMazuryk, Daeninck, Neumann, Bruera & Bruer (2002) | |
The Journal Club Acceptability Questionnaire is a 6-item instrument used to assess the acceptability of the use of journal clubs by family medicine residents and palliative care fellows. | |
Manual Acceptability Rating ScaleMilne (2006) | |
The Manual Acceptability Rating Scale is a 10-item instrument used to assess trainers’ acceptability, readability, and accuracy of a treatment manual in accordance with commonly applied criteria. | |
Practitioner’s Attitudes Towards Treatment Manuals Addis & Krasnow (2000) | |
The Practitioner’s Attitudes Toward Treatment manuals survey is a 52-item self-report survey used to assess practitioners’ demographics, experience with treatment manuals, attitudes towards treatment manuals, and beliefs about what a treatment manual is. | |
Training Acceptability Rating Scale- IDavis, Rawana & Capponi (1989) | |
The Training Acceptability Rating Scale-1 is a 6-item instrument used for evaluating trainers’ and participants’ satisfaction/acceptability with an Evidence-based supervision workshop session/s. | |
Training Acceptablitiy Rating Scale- IIMilne & Noone | |
The Training Acceptability Rating Scale-2 is a 9-item, complementary reaction instrument that assesses workshop participants’ satisfaction with training. | |
Training/ Practice Acceptability/Feasibility/Appropriateness ScaleLyon | |
The Training/Practice Acceptability/Feasibility/Appropriateness Scale is a 14-item instrument created to assess participants’ perceptions of the acceptability, feasibility, and appropriateness of an intervention. | |
Workshop Evaluation Form (WEVAL)Texas Christian University (2002) | |
The Workshop Evaluation Form is a 22-item instrument used to assess workshop participants’ attitudes directly after being involved in a workshop session. | |
Disclaimer: Some of the instrument descriptions are taken directly from articles contained in the specific instrument pages.
The intention, initial decision, or action to try or employ an innovation or evidence-based practice. Adoption also may be referred to as ‘‘uptake”. |
Adoption Instruments |
Adoption of information technology innovation Moore & Benbasat (1991) |
The Adoption of Information Technology Innovation survey is a 43-item instrument used to assess voluntariness, relative advantage, compatibility, image, ease of use, result demonstrability, visability, and trialability of a technology innovation. |
Adoption of Innovation SurveyUnsworth (2009) |
The Adoption of Innovation Survey is an instrument designed to determine the innovations an organization has adopted in the past. |
Adoption of Smoking Cessation Expert System Hoving, Mudde & de Vries (2006) |
The Adoption of Smoking Cessation Expert System is a 16-item instrument designed to measure determinants influencing the decision to adopt the expert system. |
Adoption of the Principles of Effectiveness Pankratz, Hallfors & Cho (2002) |
The Adoption of Principles of Effectiveness Survey is an 8-item instrument used to score a school district on the degree and quality of their adoption of the principles of effectiveness. |
Menachemi, Saunders, Chuckmaitov, Matthews & Brooks (2007) |
The Hospital IT Adoption Survey is an instrument given to CIOs to determine which clinical, administrative, and strategic information systems were already implemented at a hospital at the time of the survey. |
Inter-Organizational Systems Standards (IOS) Adoption & Diffusion Model Survey Nelson & Shaw (2003) |
The IOS Adoption and Diffusion Model Survey is a 32-item instrument used to examine the adoption and diffusion of emerging technologies in an interorganizational systems context. |
Knowledge Exchange Outcomes Tool Kelly Skinner (2007) |
The Knowledge Exchange Outcomes Tool is a 68-item instrument used to measure awareness of, cognitions about, and adoption of an innovation. |
Knowledge Utilization Questionnaire (English) Chagnon, Pouliot, Gervais & Pigeon (2010) |
The Knowlege Utilization Questionnaire is a 77-item instrument used to determine the extent to which practitioners and administrators of clinical services utilized research findings and attitudes towards the utilization of research. |
Knowledge Utilization Scale among Policymakers Landry, Lamari & Amara (2003) |
The Knowledge Utilization Scale among Policymakers is an instrument used to assess to what extent university research is used in government agencies, the differences in extent of use across policy domains, and what determines the use of this research. |
Chen (2003) |
The Learning Transfer Inventory is an 89-item instrument used to evaluate a learning transfer system with a focus on agency and organizational elements. |
National Survey of Physician Organizations and the Management of Chronic Illness Li, Simon, Bodenheimer, Gillies, Casalino, Schmittdiel, & Shortell (2004) |
The National Survey of …. |
Stekler, Goodman, McLeroy, Davis & Koch (1990) |
The Level of Use instrument is a 20-item instrument used to determine the extent to which an innovation is used by an organization or individual after implementation. |
Organizational Adoption of Virtual Worlds Survey Yoon (2009) |
The Organizational Adoption of Virtual Worlds Survey is an instrument used to determine the possible barriers to and factors to take into account while implementing, including: relative advantage and compatibility. |
Perceived Attributes of The Principles of EffectivenessPankratz, Hallfors, & Cho (2002) |
The perceived attributes of The Principles of Effectiveness Survey is a 17-item survey used to assess attitudes towards the adoption of a substance use coordination activities innovation. |
Perceptions of Computerized Therapy Questionnaire – Clinician Version Carper, McHugh, & Barlow (2011) |
The Perceptions of Computerized Therapy Questionnaire – Client Version is a 42-item questionnaire used to assess perceptions of the implementation of Computerized Therapy. |
Perceptions of Computerized Therapy Questionnaire- Patient VersionCarper, Mchugh & Barlow (2011) |
The Perceptions of Computerized Therapy Questionnaire- Patient Version in a 30-item instrument designed to assess adopters’ perceptions of computer-based psychological treatment in accordance with Diffusion of Innovations theory. |
Phone Survey of Barriers to Contingency Management (CM) AdoptionHenggeler, Chapman, Rowland, Halliday-Boykins, Randall, Shackelford & Schoenwald (2008) |
The Phone Survey of Barriers to Contingency Management (CM) Adoption is a 40-item instrument used to assess barriers to Contengency Management adoption and implementation. |
Re-AIM Adoption CalculatorDzewaltowski, Glasgow, Klesges, Estabrooks & Brock (2004) |
The Re-AIM Adoption Calculator is an instrument used to determine the adoption of an intervention by allowing the user to input values for the target population, recruited population, excluded participants, and the eligible population. |
Research Utilization Questionnaire (RUQ)Champion & Leach (1989) |
The Research Utilization Questionnaire is a 46-item instrument used to measure nurses’ perceived use of research, attitudes towards research, access to research, and perceived support of research use. |
Rogers’ Adoption QuestionnaireSteckler, Goodman, McLeroy, Davis, Koch (1991) |
Rogers Adoption Questionnaire is a 22-item instrument that examines administrators’ and teachers’ perceptions of the innovation being adopted. |
Smoking Cessation Protocol Adoption SurveyBolman, de Vries & Mesters (2002) |
The Smoking Cessation Protocol Adoption Survey is an instrument used to assess nurses’ attitudes toward continued use of smoking cessation intervention. |
Therapist Procedures Checklist (TPC)Weersing, Weisz & Donenberg (2002) |
The Therapist Procedures Checklist is a 57-item instrument used to identify therapists’ use of different treatment techniques. |
Therapy Procedures Checklist-RevisedBaumann, Kolko, Collins & Herschell (2006) |
The Therapy Procedures Checklist-Revised is 62-item instrument used to determine what treatment techniques practitioners report as representing their routine practice in cases of child physical abuse. |
Use of Social Science ResearchLandry (2001) |
Use of Social Science Research is an instrument designed to determine the extent to which research is utilized by decisionmakers and those in professional practices. |
The perceived fit, relevance, or compatibility of the innovation or evidence based practice for a given practice setting, provider, or consumer; and/or perceived fit of the innovation to address a particular issue or problem. |
Appropriateness Instruments |
Influences on Psychotherapy Training Participation Scale (IPTPS)Lyon (2010) |
The Influences on Psychotherapy Training Participation Scale is a 20-item instrument used to assess a variety of perceptions about an innovation, including perceived acceptability and feasibility. |
Information Technology (IT) Appropriateness SurveyKhazanchi (2005) |
The IT Appropriateness Survey is an 18-item instrument that used to assess the appropriateness of a given Information Technology innovation in a business setting. |
Knowledge Exchange Outcomes ToolSkinner (2007) |
The Knowledge Exchange Outcomes Tool is a 68-item instrument used to measure awareness of, cognitions about, and adoption of an innovation. |
Parenting Strategies QuestionnaireWhittingham, Sofronoff, & Sheffield (2006) |
The Parenting Strategies Questionnaire is a 3-item instrument used to assess parents’ perceived acceptability of parenting strategies. |
Scott Innovation ScaleScott, Plotnikoff, Karunamuni, Bize, & Rodgers (2008) |
The Scott Innovation Scale is a 24-item instrument that measures factors important to the adoption of an innovation, including, but not limited to: relative advantage, compatibility, and complexity. |
The Arson Prevention Program for Children (TAPP C) Innovation Characteristics QuestionnaireHenderson, MacKay, & Peterson-Badali (2006) |
Training/Practice Acceptability/Feasibility/Appropriateness ScaleLyon |
The Training/Practice Acceptability/Feasibility/Appropriateness Scale is a 14-item instrument created to assess participants’ perceptions of the acceptability, feasibility, and appropriateness of an intervention. |
The extent to which a new treatment, or an innovation, can be successfully used or carried out within a given agency or setting. |
Feasibility Instruments |
Assessment Tool for Potential Transfers (for senior leaders, lead implementers, physician champions)Huberman, King & Tallman (2003) |
The Assessment Tool for Potential Transfers is a 48-item instrument that investigates successful factors in the transfer of innovations from one organization to another. |
eVital Feasibility QuestionnaireAlonso, Walso & Salvador-Carulla (2010) |
The eVital Feasibility Questionnaire is a 35-item instrument used to measure experts’ perception of the feasibility of administering the eVital questionnaire. |
Feasibility of the Stages of Recovery InstrumentWeeks, Slade & Hayward (2011) |
The Feasibility of the Stages of Recovery Instrument (STORI) is a 7-item feedback questionnaire used to assess the perceived feasibility of administering the Stages of Recovery Instrument. |
Feasibility of Administering the Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Youth Kobak, Stone, Ousley & Swanson (2011) |
The Feasibility of Administering the Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Youth (STAT) is a 13-item questionnaire used to assess the feasibility of administering a screening tool for toddlers and youth with autism. |
Feasibility of Administering Self-Report QuestionnairesMazzoncini de Azevedo-Marques & Zuardi (2011) |
The Feasibility of Administering Self-Report Questionnaire is a 9-item instrument utilized to assess the feasibility of administering self-report questionnaires in routine care. |
Feasibility of a Screening Tool Hides, Lubman, Elkins, Catania & Rogers (2007) |
The Feasibility Screening Tool is a 5-item instrument that measures a client’s perception of how acceptable, easy to understand, and comfortable surveys were used in studies. It is built in to a survey that assesses emotional health and well-being. |
The Feasibility QuestionnaireEvans, Green, & Serpell (2005) |
The Feasibility Questionnaire is an instrument utilized to assess three aspects of the feasibility of implementing an innovation, including: acceptability, practicability, and barriers to implementation. |
Feasibility Questionnaire for Cognitive Behavioral Intervention After Stroke *Rasquin, van de Sande, Praamstra, & van Heugten (2009) |
The Feasibility Questionnaire for Cognitive Behavioral Intervention After Stroke assess the feasibility of a post-stroke intervention, including factors such as: content, duration, and intensity of the intervention. |
Feasibility Questionnaire for Threshold Assessment GridSlade, Cahill, Kelsey, Powell, Strathdee & Valiakalayil (2001) |
The Feasibility Questionnaire for the Threshold Assessment Grid (TAG) is a 8-item instrument used to rate the feasibility of the TAG based on agreement with statements about the structure of the TAG. |
Feasibility Questionnaire for Media CampaignSelf-Brown, Rheingold, Campbell, & de Arellano (2008) |
The Feasibility Questionnaire for Media Campaign is a 7-item instrument used to assess perceptions of media materials regarding Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA). |
The Measure of Disseminability (MOD)Trent, Buchanan & Young (2010) |
The Measure of Disseminability is a 32-item instrument that measures perceptions of how ethical, effective, acceptable, and successful an intervention or treatment will be. |
NCDDRs Dissemination Self-InventoryNational Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR) (2002) |
The NCDDR Dissemination Self-Inventory is a 54-item instrument that assesses various factors of an implementation effort, including: user group, information source, content and media of message, and contextual considerations for implementation. |
Training/Practice Acceptability/Feasibility/Appropriateness ScaleLyon |
The Training/Practice Acceptability/Feasibility/Appropriateness Scale is a 14-item instrument used to assess participants’ perceptions of the acceptability, feasibility, and appropriateness of an intervention. |
Usage Rating Profile-Intervention *Chafouleas, Briesch, Riley-Tillman & McCoach (2009) |
The Usage Rating Profile- Intervention is a 35-item self-report tool used to assess the usability of an intervention based off teacher’s acceptability, feasibility, and the systems support needed to implement the intervention. |
The degree to which an intervention was implemented as it was prescribed in the original protocol or as it was intended by the program developers.
Adherence Checklist
Assertive community treatment fidelity scale
Assessment of staff’s use of CBT skills
CBT Competence In-Session Behavior Rating Form
Checklist to observe whether skills actually occur during group
Cognitive behavior therapy supervision checklist
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Skills Questionnaire
Cognitive formulation rating scale
Cognitive Therapy Adherence Manual
Cognitive Therapy Adherence and Competence scale
Cognitive Therapy Rating Scale
Collaborative Study Psychotherapy Rating Scale- form 6
Consultant Adherence Measure
Cultural Competency Assessment Scale
Drexel University CT/ACT Therapist Adherence and Competence Rating Scale
Evidence Based Therapist Checklist
Family psychoeducation fidelity scale
Illness management and recovery fidelity scale – revised
Integrated dual disorders treatment fidelity scale
The IPT/CBT Adherence Scale for Panic
MST Therapist Adherence Measure – Revised
Perceived Integrity Scale
Self-assessment checklist for doing combined depression/anxiety CBT group tx
Supported employment fidelity scale
Therapist Behavior Rating Scale
Therapist checklist
Therapists Facilitating Scale
Vanderbilt Therapeutic Strategies Scale
Yale Adherence and Competence scale
The integration of a practice within a service setting and its subsystems. |
Penetration Instruments |
DBT Skills Use Self-ReportDimeff, Woodcock & Beadnell (2011) |
The DBT Skills Use Self-Report is an instrument used at various points post- training to determine the use of skills learned in training. |
Level of Institutionalization (LOIN) Scales for Health Promotion ProgramsGoodman, McLeroy, Steckler & Hoyle (1993) |
The Level of Institutionalization Scale is a 32-item instrument that assesses 15 aspects of institutionalization related to project production, maintenance, support, and managerial aspects. |
Level of Success InstrumentSteckler, Goodman, McLeroy, Davis & Koch (1992) |
The Level of Success Instrument is a 10-item instrument used to measure how successful the adoption of an innovation was. |
Penetrability Formula (# of eligible persons using service/ # of persons eligible)Stiles et al (2002) |
The Penetrability Formula is a formula used to determine how many eligible persons are receiving treatment. |
Penetration IndexWoltmann, Whitley, McHugo, Brunette, Torrey, Coots, Lynde & Drake (2008) |
The Penetration Index is an instrument used to determine the number of clients served in a specific evidence-based practice vs the number of eligible clients in the target population. |
Sustainability is defined as the extent to which a newly implemented treatment is maintained or institutionalized within a service setting’s ongoing, stable operations. |
Sustainability Instruments |
EBP Sustaining Telephone SurveyGregory Aarons (2007) |
The EBP Sustaining Telephone Survey is a phone-based, 46-item instrument used to measure the sustainability of Evidence-Based Practice in an organization. |
Knowledge Exchange Outcomes ToolKelly Skinner (2007) |
The Knowledge Exchange Outcomes Tool is a 68-item instrument used to measure awareness of, cognitions about, and adoption of an innovation. |
Organization ChecklistLucy Berliner |
The Organization Checklist is a 7-item instrument used to measure perceived clinical practice related to Evidence-Based Practices at an agency. |
General Organizational IndexBond, Drake, Rapp, McHugo, & Zie (2009) |
The General Organizational Index is a 12-item instrument used to assess the quality of care in reference to a specific practice. |
Program Sustainability Assessment ToolCenter for Public Health System Science (2012) |
The Program Sustainability Assessment Tool is a 40-item instrument used to assess a program’s current capacity for sustainability across a range of specific organizational and contextual factors. |
School-Wide Universal Behavior Sustainability Index-School Teams (SUBSIST)McIntosh, MacKay, Hume, Doolittle, Vincent, Horner & Ervin (2011) |
The School-Wide Universal Behavior Sustainability Index-School Teams is a 39-item instrument given to school team members to measure a range of sustainability in reference to school-wide practices. |
Sustainability Model & GuideMaher (2008) |
The Sustainability Model and Guide is a 28-item instrument used to predict the likelihood of sustainability and guide teams with practical advice on how to identify opportunities and increase the likelihood of sustainability. |
The Team Check-Up Tool (TCT)Chan, Hsu, Jubomski & Marsteller (2011) |
The Team Check-Up Tool is a 32-item instrument designed to be completed over the course of an intervention that is used to assess dynamic context and progress for a team-based Quality Improvement (QI) Intervention. |
Telephone Survey for Sustainability of EBPSwain, Whitley, McHugo & Drake (2009) |
The Telephone Survey for Sustainability of EBP is a 47-item instrument used to assess the continuing practice, modifications, and factors affecting the sustainability of EBP. |