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Implementation Development Workshops & Pre-Conference Workshops Register here for preconference workshops. Implementation Development Workshops The next IDW will occur in the morning of the SIRC 2017 pre-conference (September 7th). Please note, this is an invited event for members of our Network of Expertise (NoE). If you are interested in becoming a member of the NoE, please send an email to sirc@uw.edu. What is an Implementation Development Workshop (IDW)?In contrast to the conference on Friday and Saturday at which we are hearing the results of ongoing and past projects, the Implementation Development Workshop (IDW) focuses on early works-in-progress where feedback can (a) have a helpful and substantial impact on the developing project and (b) lead to a useful discussion of cutting edge issues in implementation. For Researchers: Research projects in development may be grant proposals, dissertations, observational studies, or pilot projects. The goal is to increase the impact and innovation of the study’s aims, design, or methods. For EBP Champions, Policy Makers, Trainers, Consultants, and other Intermediaries: Implementation projects in development (with or without evaluation). Examples of implementation projects would include: roll-out of a new EBP in an agency or division, implementation of a measurement-based care system, planning a consultation or supervision structure as follow-up to an EBP training, quality improvement project to change EHR templates… Any project that involves doing dissemination and implementation. The goal is to use our expertise, experience, and the empirical literature to assist the presenter with planning the most successful implementation project possible. Presentations for the IDW are works-in-progress, where feedback can (a) have a helpful and substantial impact on the developing project or proposal and (b) lead to a useful discussion of cutting-edge issues in implementation. Presenters will have 45 minutes, of which 10-20 minutes will be to present their project (without using technology; i.e., no power point), and 20-40 minutes for feedback coordinated by a facilitator. A notetaker will record notes of the feedback so the presenter can be involved in the discussion. For every presenter, we are hoping for 3-4 participants, so we would love to have you join us even if you don’t have a project you would like to present about. The facilitated discussion generally hits on cutting-edge issues in D&I and everyone learns a lot. For more information as well as testimonials and research evaluation, please see the SIRC website https://societyforimplementationresearchcollaboration.org/irdw/ . If you have any questions about whether you should come or whether your project makes sense to present, please email sirc@uw.edu and you will be put in touch with a SIRC Core Committee member who can provide advice. We are hoping for a student-focused and military/Veteran-focused subgroups. Pre-Conference Workshops Workshop 1: “An Overview of Old and New Design and Analysis Methods for Causal Inference in Implementation Research“ ![]() Workshop Description: Implementation science is a relatively new field of inquiry, and methods are under development. In some cases, existing methods from epidemiology, biostatistics, health economics, social and behavior science apply directly, and the challenge is to appropriately disseminate them so implementation scientists can take full advantage. In other cases, new methods are needed. As part of my NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, I am supported to work on both of these fronts. This workshop will provide an overview of methods for causal inference in implementation research. Topics to be addressed will include many of the following: the design of cluster randomized trials, stepped wedge studies, learn as you go and two stage designs, basics of causal inference including extensions allowing for dissemination of effects in networks, analysis of randomized studies, analysis of observational studies including individual vs group level vs mixed level data, control for measured confounding – standard, propensity scores, IPW, Instrumental variables, control for unmeasured confounders — before-after, interrupted time series, and regression discontinuity. In regard to the latter, suggestions from the audience will be encouraged.
![]() Gregory Aarons, PhD is a clinical and organizational psychologist, Professor of Psychiatry at UC San Diego and Director: Child and Adolescent Services Research Center (CASRC). His research, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control focuses on identifying and improving system, organizational, and individual factors that support implementation and sustainment of evidence-based practices and quality of care in health care and public sector allied health care settings. Dr. Aarons’ current work focuses on developing and testing leadership and organization support strategies and training supervisors to become effective leaders to support evidence-based practice implementation and sustainment. He has over 160 peer-review publications, numerous invited presentations, and developed the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale and the Implementation Leadership Scale. He is also co-developer of the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, Sustainment (EPIS) implementation framework. Workshop Description: Concept mapping is a participatory, mixed methods approach to organizing the ideas of a group to form a common framework. It has been used to address a number of implementation-related objectives, including identifying barriers and facilitators, assessing fidelity, categorizing and rating implementation strategies, and identifying research priorities. The purpose of this workshop is to introduce attendees to the concept mapping methodology, provide examples of its use within the field of implementation science and practice, and to suggest opportunities through which it could be leveraged to advance the field. Attendees will be given the basic tools to use concept mapping in their work, and will obtain resources for further learning.
Nancy McDonald, MA, CAC, LPC Director or Quality Management, Department of Human Services, County of Chester Pennsylvania
Workshop Description: This workshop is open to clinicians, researchers, and trainers alike and will feature funders, purveyors, and trainers, as well as agency administrators, supervisors, and providers all focused on how implementation of EBPs can be sustained at the agency and system levels from each of their perspectives and experiences. While some of the challenges of implementing EBPs in large systems will be presented, this workshop will aim to focus on what has worked based on the presenters’ wide range of experiences and will provide solutions to difficulties that may arise in specific practical service settings. Time will be allotted for audience participation and sharing of experiences across the various implementation levels. Workshop 4: “Finding and Securing D&I Research Funding for Students and Post-Docs” ![]()
Workshop Description: This workshop will provide information on finding and securing student funding for D&I research and will consist of a panel of both students who have successfully secured D&I research funding (i.e., NIMH F31, Diversity Supplement) as well as faculty members who have mentored students who have successfully procured D&I research funding and have also served as grant reviewers (e.g., NIMH F31/F32 study section). A brief overview of several D&I research funding mechanisms for undergraduate students, graduate students, post-bacs, and post-docs will be provided. The panelists will then discuss their experiences and provide helpful tips and information about the process. Finally, the remainder of the workshop will be open for Q&A with the panelists. |
4th Biennial SIRC Pre-Conference WorkshopsCarrie Jackson2017-08-16T13:35:26-05:00